Climate impacts and livelihood conditions

The Climate Risk Index has the goal of prioritizing climate change adaptation needs in a context of improving the livelihood conditions for the population and of sustainable development.

The Climate Impact Index uses the concept of Impact chains and relates these processes to the Livelihood Conditions Index. The figure below shows the general concept: climate change has impacts on different important sectors. These sectoral impacts affect different elements of livelihood conditions.

Figure 1: Quantification: Impacts of changes in water availability on livelihood conditions (link to the overall results of the livelihood index, using the different scenarios)

For the index the impact of climate change was estimated by using an integrated and multi-layered approach (see Figure 1). It explicitly takes into account how sectoral climate impacts may affect human well-being. The impact of climate on different sectors was estimated by combining country-specific information, e.g. from external sources like the IPCC national reports, with sector-specific impact assessment methodologies. These sectoral impacts and changes over time and space are then evaluated regarding their consequences for livelihood conditions .


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