Country size | total: 112,090 sq km | Source: CIA World Factbook
Population size | 8,448,465 (July 2013 est.) | Source: CIA World Factbook
Coastline | Caribbean Sea 669 km; Gulf of Fonseca 163 km | Source: CIA World Factbook
Type of government | democratic constitutional republic | Source: CIA World Factbook
Administrative units (level1) | 18 departments | Source: CIA World Factbook
Life expectancy at birth | 70.71 years | Source: CIA World Factbook
Child mortality | 21 | Source: Worldbank SH.DYN.MORT
Literacy rate (male) | 79.8% | Source: CIA World Factbook
Literacy rate (female) | 80.2% (2001 census) | Source: CIA World Factbook