Country fact sheet: Antigua and Barbuda

The ci:grasp country factsheets provide country based information compiled from various sources, including Worldbank, CIA World Factbook and FAO Stat.
Information covers general country information, GDP (Gross domestic product), land use and water use.

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

General country information

Country sizetotal: 442.6 sq km (Antigua 280 sq km; Barbuda 161 sq km)Source: CIA World Factbook
Population size90,156 (July 2013 est.)Source: CIA World Factbook
Coastline153 kmSource: CIA World Factbook
Type of governmentconstitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government and a Commonwealth realmSource: CIA World Factbook
Administrative units (level1)6 parishes and 2 dependencies*Source: CIA World Factbook
Life expectancy at birth75.69 yearsSource: CIA World Factbook
Child mortality7.6Source: Worldbank SH.DYN.MORT
Literacy rate (male)NASource: CIA World Factbook
Literacy rate (female)NA (2003 est.)Source: CIA World Factbook

GDP (Gross domestic product)

Total GDP per capita$17,500 (2012 est.)Source: CIA World Factbook
GDP (agriculture)2.1%Source: CIA World Factbook
GDP (industry)19.6%Source: CIA World Factbook
GDP (services)78.3% (2012 est.)Source: CIA World Factbook

Ecological information

Carbondioxide718,800 Mt (2010 est.)Source: CIA World Factbook

Land use

Total area (ha)44000Source: (FAO Stat)
Area Agriculture (%)30Source: (FAO Stat)
Arable Area (%)18Source: (FAO Stat)
Irrigated Area (%)0.3Source: (FAO Stat)
Forest Area (%)22Source: (FAO Stat)

Water use

Total annual freshwater withdrawal (km³)0.005Source: (Worldbank ER.H2O.FWTL.K3)
Freshwater withdrawal for agriculture(%)20Source: (Worldbank ER.H2O.FWAG.ZS)
Freshwater withdrawal for industry(%)20Source: (Worldbank ER.H2O.FWIN.ZS)
Freshwater withdrawal for domestic use(%)60Source: (Worldbank ER.H2O.FWDM.ZS)