Assessment of
Ecosystems under Global
A Concerted Action funded by the 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission
«Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development»; Life time 2002 - 2005
AVEC Objectives AVEC Partners AVEC Kick-off AV Summer 2003 EC Schools 2005 AVEC Droughts Workshop AVEC Land Abandonment Workshop AVEC-MA-EEA Workshop AVEC Papers AVEC Links The ATEAM Project PIK - Homepage


NEWS: The Second AVEC Summer School was a great success.

37 participants from Europe and the USA met in Peyresq, Southern France from 18 - 30 September to learn about vulnerability issues. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Project Objectives

The concerted action of AVEC intends to connect experiences from recent and ongoing European scenario-orientated assessment projects by creating opportunities for intensive exchange. In working closely with both the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) and the leaders of European or national research projects such as the ATEAM-project, AVEC establishes a network of research on the issue of vulnerability research by planning the following activities:

Organising in 2003 and 2005 a two weeks long international Summer School for students in the environmental sciences;
Organising two European theme-oriented workshops on environmental changes which affect European ecosystem services;
Sponsoring invited papers, written by post-doctoral scientists who review the state of knowledge concerning risks for specific ecosystem services;

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
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Last updated 10.10.05 by Sabine Lütkemeier