ATEAM sector: Carbon storage & energy
Ecosystem services:
- Carbon sequestration
- Power generation (biofuels)
Indicators within the ATEAM assessment framework: - Carbon storage in vegetation
- Carbon storage in soil
Principal investigators: Martin Sykes (LU, Sweden), Colin Prentice & Joanna House (MPI-BGC, Germany).
Models: LPJ-DGVM (see PIs above, and Ben Smith (LU, Sweden) and Stephen Sitch (PIK, Germany), STOMATE (Pierre Friedlingstein, LSCE, France), Sheffield DGVM (Ian Woodward, US, United Kingdom).
Main interacting ATEAM sectors: Forestry, Agriculture, Biodiversity & nature conservation.
The Kyoto Protocol specified legally binding commitments by most industrialized countries to reduce their collective greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. An important Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) strategy is maintaining important carbon sinks like soil organic matter and European forests. The carbon storage & energy sector within ATEAM quantifies the carbon sinks within Europe under global change. This information is useful to stakeholders within energy related industries to support their long term planning regarding the Kyoto protocol mitigation policies. What will be the effectiveness of afforestation as a means of sequestering carbon under the terms of the UN-FCCC Kyoto
Protocol, given that some degree of climate change is inevitable?
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