Dr. Leonie Wenz

Dr. Leonie Wenz is deputy head of Complexity Science and research group leader of Data-based analysis of climate decisions at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Leonie conducts research on the societal and economic impacts of climate change by use of various quantitative methods. In particular, she studies how we - individually and as societies - respond to weather extremes and a changing climatic environment with the aim of deriving robust estimates of the cost of warming and of informing sustainable development pathways.

Her research has been published in, among others, Nature, Science, PNAS, The Lancet Planetary Health, and Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Her research findings have informed policy- and decision-makers worldwide.

A mathematician by training, Leonie earned her Ph.D. from University of Potsdam and PIK with a dissertation at the intersection of Climate Physics and Economics (summa cum laude, awarded i.a. Leibniz dissertation award). She did a Postdoc at UC Berkeley as part of the Ciriacy-Wantrup programme in Natural Resource Economics and Public Policy. Leonie is an elected Member of German Young Academy at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

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