Levermann Media Contributions
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Talks, Interviews & Articles YouTube Channel

July 2024


20-min Interview on "Folding the World" for Austrian television

June 2024


90-min talk on "Folding the World" at the Oskar-von-Miller Forum on Architecture of the Technical University Munich

May 2024


One-hour podcast on Folding the World
covering the climate crisis, social cohesion all the way to reducing inequality while keeping the merit principle.

February 2024


Article by Zoe Schlanger on "If Trumps wins - climate"

November 2023

Book review: Folding the World (7 min, mpg)

October 2023

Podcast WDR Quarks:
Book: Folding the World (40 min, mpg)

October 2023

Spiegel Interview:
"Grenzen sind nicht das Ende unseres Wohlstands, sondern dessen Garant." (Buch: Die Faltung der Welt)
"Boundaries are not the end of our prosperity, but their guarantee." (Book: Folding the World)

September 2023

re:publica Hamburg 2023:
Folding the World (Die Faltung der Welt)
(60 min)

July 2023

Mosse Lecture on Folding the World (Die Faltung der Welt)
(1h15min talk and 45min Q&A)

» Audio-only recording aired on national radio, 53 MB)

June 2023

re:publica 2023: Folding the World (Die Faltung der Welt)
(30 min)

April 2023

taz Laboratory 2023:
Interview on Folding the World (Die Faltung der Welt)
(50 min)

March 2023
» Dresdner Rede:
» Climate change and it solution through
» Folding the World (Die Faltung der Welt).
» Audio recording

February 2023
» Interview: Solving the climate crisis with Folding.

December 2022
English English
» Article: Solving the climate crisis can lead us into a bright future

November 2022
English English English
» 2-hour interview on a new narrative for society:
The folding of the world

» Interview (mp3)
» Related newspaper articles:
» Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
» Die Zeit

February 2022
» Interview in economics section on publication "The effect of rainfall changes on economic production"

» Scientific publication

January 2022

"When this is melted away, the doors are open."
Radio interview on Antarctic sea level contribution (mp3)

November 2021

Interview on national prime-time television on climate conference COP26
(mp4, 100 MB)

August 2021

Interview on national prime-time television on IPCC-AR6 (mp4, 370 MB)

August 2021

Cover story on climate tipping points (pdf)

July 2021
» "The Folding of the World" article on a new rarrative for society
(jpg) (pdf)
» Article combined with Interview in "Die Zeit" on the "The Folding Principle" (pdf)

June 2021
» Interview in Economics Section on a new narrative for our society: "The Principle of Folding"
(jpg) (pdf)
» Interview plus corresponding article in FAZ "The Folding of the World" (pdf)

May 2021

Student lecture on tipping points.
German, very slow and long (mp4, 800 MB)

November 2020
Interview zum Grundsatzprogamm Parteitag von Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen

November 2020

Talk at the National Convention of the Green Party
(Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) #dbdk20

August 2020
English English
"Interview am Morgen"

February 2020

Interview: "Paris climate agreement can be kept within capitalism."

December 2019

Does climate change allow for freedom of travel?
DieDame DieDame
DieDame DieDame
DieDame DieDame

» An artikel about climate change and freedom.

December 2019

German tabloid: "Climate data forces us to action."

December 2019

Radio interview on Venice & the German climate law

November 2019

Interview "Venice will be under the sea."
(1 million hits: most-clicked science article of the year in German weekly)

September 2019

BBC documentary on climate change adapted for German television.

September 2019

German climate law: "A clear political failure."

September 2019

Radio interview on German climate law. (mp3)

September 2019

"The flood" interview on sea level rise

August 2019

Interview: "A bad conscience does not help.
We need a societal consensus."

July 2019

"Can snow canons save Antarctica?"
»Illustration of method to stabilize the West
Antarctic ice sheet by snowing onto the ice sheet.

» Original publication in Science Advances
» Media coverage (selection):
New York Times | Tagesschau | Handelsblatt | The Guardian | Vice | Time magazine | Grist | Times of India | Reuters | The Times | New Scientist | Canadian Broadcasting Coorporation | FAZ | Süddeutsche Zeitung | Business Standard | Hamburger Morgenpost | The Sun | Der Standard | Mashable | CNN | The Hindu | The Jakarta Post | The Japan Times | The New Economy

June 2019

"The climate problem cannot be solved by abstinence. Everyone's responsibility is to make climate protection a societal consensus."
Interview with leading German tabloid.

June 2019

German Chancellor Angela Merkel:
Two-hour briefing at Potsdam Institute covering topics from weather extremes, economic damages of climate change and a reform of carbon pricing in Germany, Europe and globally.

June 2019

Article: "We need a societal climate consensus more than the call for individual abstinence."

June 2019

Radio interview on Antarctic instabilties.

mp3 and related press release.

March 2019

» Article online

February 2019

Radio interview on North American cold and Australian heat. (mp3)

January 2019
English English

December 2018

"The realist" - TV portrait of Prof. Levermann.

November 2018

Hearing at German Parliament Bundestag
"If we want to stabilize the temperature of the planet at all, we have to go to zero carbon emissions"

» The full two-hour hearing can be found here.

My specific answers to the different questions can
be found here:
» Introductory remarks

» 1st answer

» 2nd answer

» 3rd answer

» 4th answer

» 5th answer

» 6th answer

» All of my answers together

November 2018

Cover story on climate change and sea level rise
» English version

» Deutsche Originalversion

October 2018

Interview on climate change, cultural heritage
and the economy

October 2018

Radio interview on jet stream, the Arctic, weather
extremes and the climate solution

October 2018

National TV: "Abstinence is not the solution."

October 2018

"The end of the world as we know it."

September 2018

National TV: Interview on climatic tipping

July 2018

'Faster than allowed'
Article on Greenland ice sheet and sea-level rise


July 2018

30 min radio interview on everything

May 2018

» Associated scientific article

May 2018

» Article online
» Associated scientific article

April 2018

National TV: interview on climate and coal

February 2018

Two-hour radio interview on life, climate, civil war and the importance of facts. (mp3)

January 2018

Future river flood risk under warming.

January 2018

Future river flood risk under warming: global adaptation required until 2040 to stay protected.
» Media coverage: Click logo for media link.

» Original scientific article: here

December 2017

Public discussion on the article

November 2017

German national TV talkshow on climate & society
(60 min.)

November 2017

National TV interview on COP23 climate conference in Bonn, Germany

November 2017

US Radio interview on Bonn climate negotiations

October 2017

Interview with Christian missionary journal on climate change and society

September 2017

Interview on Hurricane Irma and Climate Change

September 2017

Radio interview on hurricane season

September 2017

Canadian Broadcast Corporation: Interview on Hurricane Irma and climate change

September 2017

Interview on Hurricane Irma

July 2017

Radio interview on Huge Antarctic iceberg from Larsen C iceshelf

July 2017

German National News: Interview on Larsen C iceberg and sea level rise

June 2017
"We are not very good at predicting industrial revolutions".

TV Interview at World Exhibition in Astana, Kazastan

Mai 2017
German national coastal protection agency expects faster sea-level rise than IPCC-AR5.

German national TV news - Tagesthemen: How long can we protect our coasts?
Radio interview on the topic

April 2017

Radio interview on report of Arctic Council

March 2017

Radio interview on: Arctic heat wave and weather extremes

February 2017

Radio interview on Trump's war on enlightment

January 2017

Interview on climate change and its urgency

January 2017

US Radio interview on Trump administration and climate

January 2017

Radio interview on: Trump's silencing of the US-rangers

January 2017

Radio interview on: US research and Trump's administration

December 2016

Front-page article:
"La planète enregistre un recul inédit de ses banquises"

December 2016

Climate under presidents Obama & Trump:
TV interview on German national morning show

December 2016

German Interview:
'Irgendwann gibt es Hamburg nicht mehr.'

November 2016

Open Letter to Donald Trump ('prominent signer'):
'Respect scientific integrety and independence'

October 2016

German Interview on Hurricane Matthew

September 2016

German Interview on delaying future sea level rise by pumping ocean water onto Antarctica
» Long version in zeozwei

» Short version in taz

May 2016

German article on East Antarctica

March 2016

"This mind-boggling study shows just how massive sea level rise really is"
Chris Mooney on our study "Delaying future sea-level rise by storing water on Antarctica".

January 2016

German interview on Paris climate agreement

December 2015
Talk at climate conference in Paris COP-21

COP-21: Dr Anders Levermann - Western Antartica Instability

December 2015

Live radio interview (German):
"War das Pariser Klimaabkommen der Durchbruch?"

December 2015

German national television program on Paris climate agreement
(90 min.)

December 2015

"The troubling science that's pushing the world toward a much tougher climate goal"

December 2015

Climate conference in Paris COP-21

December 2015

Interview on Paris climate agreement

November 2015

Interview prior to Climate conference in Paris COP-21

November 2015

Impact of future sea-level commitment on cities worldwide if no adaptation measures are taken.
» Scientific report
» City maps
» Pictures of iconic places
» Fly-over videos
» Interview with Canadian Weather Channel

November 2015

German interview on industry strategies and climate: "Die Industrie muss wegen des Klimas umschwenken"

October 2015

Climate change lecture, York University, Toronto, Canada.

October 2015

Live radio interview (German):
"Durchbruch bei den Klimaverhandlungen?"

October 2015

Interview with Toronto Start on Society and Sea-Level Rise
» "Sea-level rise is nothing to be afraid of - it is something to worry about."
» "Cities like New York, New Orleans, Shanghai are our cultural heritage of the future - that we are now committing to the sea."

September 2015

Op-ed: 'Fossil Fuels: A Present We Can't Unwrap'
Why and how to keep carbon in the ground.

September 2015

Naked-scientist interview on future ocean changes

September 2015

Burn-it-all Lose-it-all:
"Combustion of available fossil-fuel resources sufficient to eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet"

» Original publications
» Interview with Andrew Revkin (NYTimes blog)

Media coverage (selection):
» Reuters » New York Times
» The New Yorker » New York Times (Blog)
» Bloomberg » Huffington Post
» Newsweek » Weather Channel
» The Guardian » National Geographic
» Time magazine » Scientific American
» Mashable » Washington Post
» Gizmodo » The Independent
» Carbon Brief » Climate Central
» Time of India » Business Standard
» Hong-Kong Sun » South China Morning Post
» Japanes Times » International Business Times
» Die Bild » Süddeutsche Zeitung
» Der Spiegel » Frankfurter Allgemeine
» Der Focus » Berliner Morgenpost
» Der Stern » Hamburger Abendblatt
» AFP » Wirtschaftswoche
» Der Standard » Kleine Zeitung

September 2015

"The 3rd Industrial Revolution: He who adapts fastest, wins."
Interview for industry, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

May 2015

Op-ed: Why climate engineering won't work.

March 2015
Commentary on climate engineering in response to a climate emergency

December 2014

Live radio-interview on climate change & society.
Saturday 20th Dec. 2014 9-11 a.m. (German)

December 2014

Interview on climate change and society.

December 2014

Interview on climate change and society (German).

November 2014

Talk at Investors' Day:
"A business case for climate change"

November 2014

Special article on climate conference in Lima.
(Saturday print edition, page 2)

November 2014

Interview on sea-level rise, climate change and future society. (German)

September 2014

Synod of protestant church of northern Germany: Talk on climate change, Lübeck, Germany
(45 min in German, 33 Mb)

August 2014

Antarctica could raise sea level faster than previously thought

» Original publications & Data
Media coverage:
» Bloomberg » Huffington Post
» One India » Bloomberg Businessweek
» Slate » Climate Central
» truthdig » Economic Times
» Forex Gucheng » The Weather Channel
» rtve.es » Wallstreet China
» Khaleej Times » Delhi Daily News
» Jakarta Globe » University Herald
» ABC.es » Stockstar - Finance
» DW » Indonesian Kompas.com
» negocios » Deutsche Welle
» Z news » radio intereconomia

July 2014

How Antarctica shows we're at the point of no return

Project Syndicate: Antarctica's Point of No Return

July 2014

Article on
Project-Syndicate article on Antarctica's point of no return

June 2014

Webcast: Presentation on Antarctic Instabilities at UNFCCC Climate Conference 2014 in Bonn, Germany.

Coverage: Reuters, Irish Times & Deutsche Welle

June 2014

Interview on climate change and practical implications (German).

May 2014

Commentary on resilience of future infrastructure

May 2014

Engineering and Technology Magazine:
"Climate change: can supply chains take the strain?" by Sian Harris

May 2014

Photo: Maria A. Martin/PIK

Ice plug prevents irreversible discharge from East Antarctica

» Original publications
Media coverage:
» Reuters » National Geographic
» Independent » Washington Post
» ABC News » Huffington Post
» Chicago Tribune » Queensland Times
» Apple daily » Economic Times
» Delhi Daily » International Business Times
» Deutsche Welle » Business Standard
» Die Welt » South China Morning Post
» Fokus » Hamburger Abendblatt
» Der Stern » Japanese Times
» Der Standard » Wiender Zeitung
Audio interview with
Australian Broadcast Cooperation
Audio interview with
Deutschlandradio Wissen

March 2014

Radio interview: global warming & sea-level rise
Audio recording here
& shortened transcript here

March 2014

Detailed audio interview on global adaptation of supply chains and the data portal zeean.

March 2014

Future sea-level threatens world cultural heritage
» Original publications. » List of UNESCO sites.
Media coverage:
» The Guardian. » Le Monde.
» Huffington Post. » New Scientist.
» CBS News. » Climate Central.
» Economic Times. » Times of India.
» Intern. Busimess Times. » Epoche Times.
» Süddeutsche Zeitung. » Die Welt.
» Hamburger Abendblatt. » Berliner Zeitung.
» Handelsblatt. » ABC.net.
» Der Standard. » Focus.
» Kleine Zeitung. » Wiener Zeitung.

Audio interview in
Deutschlandradio Kultur

February 2014

"Commentary on
Climate extremes and global adaptation"

January 2014

Original title:
"There will never be 10C of global warming."
(see also online discussion)

October 2013

The value of climate sensitivity
» Letter to the editor in print edition

October 2013
Portrait in local newspaper of my hometown Bremerhaven (Article
, Front page, and Online interview).

October 2013

Article on internal discussions and disputes within author team of the sea-level chapter of the IPCC-AR5 report

September 2013

Risky Rise - the IPCC provided a full projection of future sea-level but no risk analysis

September 2013

Radio interview on IPCC: climate change, sea level rise & how to avoid them

September 2013

Interview with major German tabloid BILD.
Brief version in Print edition.

(in context with the obligatory naked lady.)
Longer online version.

September 2013

TV interview on the IPCC, climate change,
sea level rise and how to avoid them

August 2013

The inevitability of sea-level rise

August 2013

The inevitability of sea-level rise

July 2013

July 2013
Favoured as "Federal Minister for the Environment" by actress Christiane Paul in German magazine Cicero - deeply honoured!

July 2013

Interview: "We simply put expiration dates on certain cultures and societies."
Additional information: assessment of IPCC assessment

July 2013

Interview: Climate Disruption and Sea Level Rise

April 2013

Interview: Klimaforscher auf dem Eis

April 2013

Antarctic sea-level contribution

March 2013

Limits of adaptation to climate change

February 2013

Interview on climatic tipping cascade

January 2013

Interview on sea-level rise

November 2012

Klimaschutz ist Selbstschutz, nicht Entwicklungshilfe

August 2012

6th post of video-column "Ask a climate expert"
» Is there a limit to global warming?

August 2012

Arctic sea ice melt 2012 on national television ARD Nachmagazin

July 2012

Interview on Greenland melt season covered by
Tagesschau.de - Zeit-online - Welt-online - Berliner Morgenpost - Süddeutsche - ZDF heute - Fokus-online

July 2012

FuturZwei with actress Christiane Paul

May 2012

Parliamentary hearing on EU-emission target
» Own statements
    » Full hearing

December 2011

Future sea level rise

November 2011

COP-17 climate conference in Durban

October 2011

Detailed interview for book by Christiane Paul with Peter Unfried on climate change and life

April 2011

Public discussion on the article

March 2011

January 2011

January 2011

January 2011

December 2010

December 2010

Public discussion on the article

November 2010

September 2010

June 2010

February 2010

February 2010

May 2009

Since March 2008

German climate-science weblog KlimaLounge

February 2008

Definition of climate change

August 2007

The Atlantic thermohaline circulation

June 2007

Extended Interview:
» Verzicht ist keine Lösung
    (Abstinence is no solution)

» Die dritte Industrielle Revolution
    (The third Industrial Revolution)

» Windkraft für alle
    (Wind power for all)

» Wenn der Nordpol schmilzt
    (When the North Pole melts)

Last update: July 2024