PIK University of Potsdam

Anders Levermann, Ph.D.
Professor of Dynamics of the Climate System

Anders Levermann

Head of research department Complexity Science at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Professor at Physics Institute of Potsdam University.
Fellow of Center for Economic Policy Research.
Author of 'Folding the World'

Media Contributions (selection)

Guardian » June '24
Climate will cost global economy $38 trillion every year English

Guardian » June '24
Era of super-wild weather is here English

Podcast » May '24
One-hour podcast on folding the world German

Guardian » April '24
Climate crisis: incomes to diminish by a fifth by 2050 English

Guardian » April '24
World economy strongly reduced by climate change German

Guardian » April '24
Climate change will make you poorer English

SealeveCommitment » April '24
World economy slowed down by climate change German

SealeveCommitment » April '24
Climate change costs global economy trillions English

The Atlantic » February '24
The Atlantic: If Trump wins - climate English

WDR » February '24
Podcast: Folding the World as a utopia German

WDR » November '23
How to limit right? German

WDR » November '23
Interview: Avoid the collapse German

WDR » November '23
When Limits Free: economic growth and climate crisis German

Spiegel » October '23
Interview 'Der Spiegel': Folding the World German

WDR » October '23
Book review: Folding the World German

WDR » October '23
Book review: Folding the World German

WDR » October '23
Book review: Folding the World German

WDR » October '23
40-min Podcast: Folding the World German

Spiegel » October '23
Interview: Can the world be saved? German

New York Times » September '23
Republica Hamburg 2023: Folding the World English

New York Times » August '23
Record heat in the world ocean English

FAZ » August '23
World ocean warmer than ever German

New York Times » July '23
Mosse Lecture: Folding the World English

cnbc » July '23
"Come On!" German

African Monsoon » July '23
Climate scientists see economy threatened German

cnbc » July '23
"What's happening in the North Atlantic is worriesome" German

African Monsoon » July '23
Handelsblatt Podcast on tipping points German

New York Times » June '23
Republica 2023: Folding the World English

FAZ » June '23
Pressure in the system: record warming of global ocean German

SealeveCommitment » May '23
El Nino causes trillions in lost economic growth English

Economic Times » May '23
Economic loss from El Nino English

Die Zeit » May '23
Oceanic heat can cause weather extremes German

nyt » May '23
Oceanic heat record German

New York Times » April '23
taz lab 2023: Folding the World English

Dresdner Speech » March '23
Dresdner speech at theater on Folding the World German

nyt » March '23
Interview on climate change and abstinence German

cnbc » February '23
Interview on climate change and Folding German

cnbc » January '23
The future of Thwaites glacier in Antarctica German

Le Monde » November '22
2-h interview: The Folding of the World German

Le Monde » November '22
Quand la température monte, la haine en ligne aussi French

SealeveCommitment » November '22
Global toll of extreme heat is trillions of dollars English

DLF » October '22
Economic losses from weather extremes German

AP » October '22
Hotter days bring out hotter tempers English

nyt » October '22
The Monsoon Is Becoming More Extreme English

SealeveCommitment » September '22
Global warming and aggressive behaviour

SealeveCommitment » September '22
Hate speech on social networks increases with heat English

SealeveCommitment » September '22
Extreme Temperatures Linked to Rise in Hate Tweets English

nyt » September '22
Pakistan flood: climate change increases variability English

SealeveCommitment » September '22
Climate Change Is Making People Angrier Online English

cnbc » September '22
Hatespeech online: heat makes tweets more aggressive German

CNN » September '22
Online hate speech increases during extreme weather English

CNN » September '22
Hateful tweets multiply in extreme temperatures English

nyt » September '22
When temperatures rise, hate increases English

cnbc » August '22
La Nina, extreme weather and climate change German

AP » August '22
US climate deal tries to induce structural change English

Economist » June '22
How does Bangladesh cope with extreme flood? English

CNN » June '22
Floods in Bangladesh conjure climate warnings English

IBT » June '22
Rain-triggered floods in Bangladesh English

CNN » February '22
Extreme rainfall can hamper global economy English

ABC News » February '22
More rainy days could dampen economic growth English

cnbc » February '22
More wet days will hamper global economy English

nyt » February '22
India will lose from global warming English

nyt » January '22
Rain in Spain causes financial pain English

nyt » January '22
Change in daily rainfall hurts economy English

Nature 2020 » January '22
Nature cover story on economic impact of rainy days English

Cicero » January '22
Live radio: Antarctic break-up English

nyt » November '21
Prime-time TV Interview on climate conference COP26 English

nyt » October '21
RippleResonance: climate change more expensive English

cnbc » October '21
RippleResonance: climate crisis threatens world economy German

guardian » October '21
America's dirty divide: Sea level rise and famous sites English

CNN » October '21
Our underwater future: Sea level rise around the world English

CNN » October '21
Sea Level will hugely differ if we can limit warming English

cnbc » October '21
The ultimate rise of the oceans German

CNN » October '21
World Under Water English

cnbc » September '21
Sea level rise threatens Venice German

Die Zeit » August '21
"Race against time" - adaptation to climate change German

nyt » August '21
Cover article on climate tipping points English

nyt » August '21
Prime-time TV Interview on IPCC report English

nyt » June '21
Indian monsoon more intense & chaotic under warming English

Economist » June '21
Climate change is remaking South Asian monsoon English

Hysteresis 2020 » June '21
"Earth will get as warm as we make it." English

FAZ » June '21
Domino effect of tipping points German

cnbc » June '21
Warming likely to make Indian monsoon dangerous English

cnbc » June '21
Million years of data confirms: monsoon to get worse English

CNN » April '21
Monsoon: Serious consequences for a billion people English

Reuters » April '21
Chaotic monsoon threatens India's farmers English

AFP » April '21
Climate change makes monsoon stronger, more erratic English

FR » April '21
Contagious solar cells: Satellite data & AI on Fresno German

India Today » April '21
Climate change changes Indian monsoon English

IBT » April '21
Indian monsoon gets more rainy with warming English

Down to Earth » April '21
Indian monsoon more volatile English

Down to Earth » April '21
'Chaotic' monsoons threaten India's farmers English

FR » April '21
Chaotic monsoon German

Down to Earth » April '21
Indian monsoon more chaotic English

Die Zeit » April '21
Antarctic tipping points German

IBT » February '21
Climate change has high cost English

Tagesspiegel » January '21
Portrait: Anders Levermann German

IBT » November '20
Is the 1.5 degree target feasible? German

IBT » November '20
Interview on limit of adaptation, Fridays and Green Party German

IBT » November '20
Invited speech at Green Party Convention German

IBT » October '20
Antarctic ice loss English

AP » October '20
Podcast interview on Antarctica & warming English

IBT » September '20
Rising temperature could melt Antarctica English

Antarctica » September '20
Antarctic ice loss is irreversible German

Hysteresis 2020 » September '20
Even Paris Agreement threatens New York English

Hysteresis 2020 » September '20
Humanity is giving up New York English

Nature 2020 » September '20
Nature cover story on hysteresis of Antarctic ice sheet English

AP » August '20
Warming intensifies river floods in China English

Sueddeutsche » August '20
Interview: "Why not less, but zero emissions?" German

RND » August '20
European heat wave and drought German

AP » July '20
"Antarctica is by far the biggest risk" English

DW » July '20
Interview in Russian on Siberian heat wave Russian

nyt » July '20
The next five years of climate change English

AP » July '20
WMO 5-year climate prediction English

br » July '20
Siberian heatwave puzzles climate scientists English

Cicero » July '20
Live radio: Heatwave in Sibiria English

Sueddeutsche » June '20
Collapse of Arctic system? English

BILD » June '20
Siberian heat wave English

FAZ » June '20
Siberian heat wave German

COP19 » April '20
High pressure on Greenland German

BILD » April '20
Greenland loses 600 billion tons of ice English

Zeit Interview » February '20
Candidates for German Chancellor German

New York Times » February '20
Sea level can rise up to 1.5m English

New York Times » February '20
Antarctica can triple sea level rise English

New York Times » February '20
Highest risk stems from Antarctica English

New York Times » February '20
Sea level rise tripled English

FAZ » February '20
Paris Agreement is economically optimal path German

New York Times » January '20
"We're completely divided everywhere" English

BamS » December '19
Article: climate and the right to travel English

BamS » December '19
German tabloid: "Climate data forces action." English

BamS » December '19
Radio interview on German climate law English

Die Zeit » November '19
Interview: "Venice will be under the sea." English

Der Spiegel » October '19
European hurricane season English

Der Spiegel » September '19
German climate law: A clear political failure English

Merkel » September '19
BBC documentary adapted for German TV German

Merkel » August '19
"A bad conscience doesn't help." German

New York Times » July '19
Antarctica or our coastal cities? English

New York Times » July '19
Manmade Antarctic snowstorm English

New York Times » July '19
Snow canons for Antarctica English

New York Times » July '19
'Artificial snow' could save Antarctica English

Bild » July '19
Can New York and Hamburg be saved? English

New York Times » July '19
Drastic plan against Antarctic catastrophy English

New York Times » July '19
Let's spray snow onto Antarctica English

New York Times » July '19
This plan is extremely wild. English

New York Times » July '19
Pumping trillions of tons onto Antarctica English

New York Times » July '19
Snow canons against Antarctic collapse English

New York Times » July '19
Artificial snow can stabilize Antarctica English

Merkel » July '19
Individuals can't solve the climate problem. English

Merkel » June '19
Interview with leading German tabloid English

Merkel » June '19
German Chacellor Merkel: two-hour briefing English

Le Monde » June '19
Interview: Antarctic instabilities German

TAZ19 » June '19
Social consensus vs personal responsibility English

FAZ » March '19
Responsibilities on wrong shoulders German

Sueddeutsche » March '19
Tropical storm Idai impacts Mosambique German

Bundestag » February '19
Artist talk at Berlin film festival Berlinale English

Cicero » February '19
Live radio on US cold & Australian heat English

Bundestag » December '18
'The realist' TV portrait of Prof. Levermann English

Bundestag » November '18
Hearing at German Parliament Bundestag English

Der Spiegel » November '18
Cover story: climate change & sea level rise English

New York Times » October '18
Why the Wilder Storms? English

HR » October '18
Climate change threatening our history English

HR » October '18
Interview on climate change & the economy English

HR » October '18
Radio interview on jet stream & climate English

Heute Journal » October '18
Briefing of social democrats, Bundestag. English

Heute Journal » October '18
"Abstinence is not the solution." English

Heute Journal » October '18
TV Handelsblatt: Interview on IPCC-SR15 English

Heute Journal » October '18
Interview: "End of the world as we know it" English

Heute Journal » September '18
TV-Interview on climate tipping English

La Liberation » August '18
Trump's coal policy French

AFP » August '18
2018 global heat wave English

Die Zeit » July '18
Interview on Greenland ice loss English

The Hill » May '18
Article: Trump's trade war is climate-blind English

The Hill » May '18
Article: Trump's trade war is climate-blind English

Paris 2015 » April '18
National TV interview: coal and climate English

Paris 2015 » February '18
2-hour radio interview on climate & life English

Sueddeutsche » January '18
Increasing danger of high water German

Flood 2018 » January '18
Warming puts millions more at flood risk English

African Monsoon » January '18
Danger of high water German

African Monsoon » January '18
Warming puts millions more at flood risk English

Sueddeutsche » January '18
climate change makes flooding more likely German

SealeveCommitment » January '18
River floods threaten millions next 25 yrs English

Economic Times » January '18
Warming puts millions more at flood risk English

SealeveCommitment » December '17
Why not just pump away the ocean German

Le Monde » November '17
US radio: climate negotiations English

scobel » November '17
Talk show on climate & society German

MiMa » November '17
Interview on Bonn climate conference German

SealeveCommitment » October '17
Christian newspaper: climate and society German

SealeveCommitment » September '17
National television on hurricane season German

SealeveCommitment » September '17
National television on hurricane season German

CostOfClimateChange » September '17
Season of the Monsters English

SealeveCommitment » September '17
Hurricanes: New normal German

SealeveCommitment » September '17
Business: Hurricane worsened by warming English

Arctic » September '17
Hurricane Irma: "May God help us." English

SealeveCommitment » September '17
Megastorms and climate change English

SealeveCommitment » September '17
Hurricanes made worse by climate change English

SealeveCommitment » September '17
Hurricane Irma - strongest hurricane ever German

SealeveCommitment » August '17
Cooling requires increasingly more electricity German

SealeveCommitment » August '17
Asian weather gets crazy German

SealeveCommitment » July '17
Sea level if Antarctica melts German

Paris 2015 » July '17
Radio interview on Larsen C iceberg English

SealeveCommitment » July '17
Sea level & Antarctica iceberg German

CostOfClimateChange » July '17
Fear of Dragons English

African Monsoon » July '17
AFP on Africa's future Sahel monsoon French

African Monsoon » July '17
Climate change may turn Sahel green English

CostOfClimateChange » July '17
Sahel's future: Gardens not deserts English

CostOfClimateChange » July '17
Press release: Sahel monsoon English

BR » May '17
Coastal flooding to double till 2050 English

SealeveCommitment » May '17
German agency expects faster sea level German

SealeveCommitment » April '17
Holms are fighting for their survival German

SealeveCommitment » April '17
Fighting for their survival German

Arctic » April '17
Print-Spiegel: 'Meadering winds' English

Zeit Interview » March '17
Trump: destruction of Obama's legacy German

Cicero » March '17
Live radio: weather extremes & Arctic heat English

SWR » February '17
Radio: Trump's war on enlightment English

SealeveCommitment » January '17
Ancient warm period hints at high sea level English

CostOfClimateChange » January '17
When Antarctica bursts English

Le Monde » January '17
Interview: There simply is no doubt German

KSA » January '17
Print: Climate change basics and urgency English

Le Monde » January '17
Radio: Trump's war on enlightment English

Le Monde » January '17
US radio: saving climate data from Trump English

CostOfClimateChange » December '16
TV: Obama vs. Trump English

CostOfClimateChange » December '16
Spiegel-Interview: 'The time is up.' English

Le Monde » December '16
Global sea ice decay French

CostOfClimateChange » December '16
Winter is late in the Arctic German

SealeveCommitment » December '16
Arctic sea ice in record heat English

SealeveCommitment » November '16
Open Letter to Donald J. Trump English

SealeveCommitment » November '16
Open Letter to Donald J. Trump English

Zeit Interview » October '16
Interview on hurricane Matthew German

zeozwei Interview » September '16
Print: Delaying future sea level rise English

zeozwei Interview » September '16
Adaptation: Delaying sea level rise German

Smoker dynamics » August '16
Numerical model of societal transitions English

CostOfClimateChange » August '16
Press release: hurricane damages English

Paris Agreement » July '16
Science & Policy of Paris Agreement English

Paris Agreement » July '16
Globalization fosters climate damages English

SealeveCommitment » June '16
Climate change radiates all over the world English

SealeveCommitment » June '16
Globalized economy susceptible to weather English

SealeveCommitment » June '16
Climate change hurts globalized economy English

SealeveCommitment » June '16
Climate change hurts globalized economy English

SealeveCommitment » May '16
"Horror trip for world heritage" German

SealeveCommitment » May '16
Stability of East Antarctica German

SealeveCommitment » April '16
How far seas could rise. English

SealeveCommitment » April '16
El Nino, La Nina and global warming German

SealeveCommitment » April '16
Sea-level rise: Drowning History English

SealevelDelay » March '16
US & Canada announce methane reduction English

SealeveCommitment » March '16
Mind-boggling study on sea-level rise English

SealeveCommitment » March '16
Slowing sea level by pumping water? English

SealeveCommitment » March '16
Pumping sea water on Antarctica English

SealeveCommitment » March '16
Pump Meltwater Back on Antarctica? English

SealeveCommitment » February '16
Sea level requires carbon emission cuts English

SealeveCommitment » February '16
Ocean rising faster than last 3000 yrs English

SealeveCommitment » February '16
Oceans rising faster than ever English

SealeveCommitment » February '16
Waves that cannot be calmed English

SealeveCommitment » February '16
"The world in 10,000 years" English

CostOfClimateChange » February '16
"Atlantis in the year 12,000" English

Paris 2015 » January '16
Interview on Paris agreement English

Paris 2015 » January '16
Print: Paris agreement (German) English

Paris 2015 » December '15
Radio: Paris agreement English

SealeveCommitment » December '15
TV: Special program on COP-21 in Paris English

SealeveCommitment » December '15
Print: 1.5oC & sea-level at COP-21 in Paris English

PR » December '15
TV: sea level at Paris @COP21 English

PR » December '15
TV: Paris @COP21 English

Paris 2015 » December '15
Radio interview on Paris agreement English

SealeveCommitment » December '15
Special TV-program on COP-21 in Paris English

SealeveCommitment » December '15
1.5oC & sea-level at COP-21 in Paris English

BR » December '15
1st US sea-level refugees? English

PR » December '15
Policy threshold in climate mitigation English

PR » November '15
Weather-channel: sea-level commitment English

PR » November '15
Sea-level commitment for cities worldwide English

PR » October '15
Highlight: collapse of West Antarctica English

PR » October '15
Highlight: collapse of West Antarctica English

SealeveCommitment » October '15
Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet English

PNAS article » October '15
Article: collapse of West Antarctica English

BR » October '15
Coastal US cities under warming English

SealeveCommitment » October '15
How sea-level rise reshapes the US English

BR » October '15
Toronto Star: climate and policy English

BR » October '15
Radio: Paris climate conference English

Keep it in the ground » September '15
Op-ed: A Present We Can't Unwrap English

Icefree planet » September '15
Podcast: future ocean changes English

SealeveCommitment » September '15
Climate & business English

Icefree planet » September '15
Podcast: future ocean changes English

Icefree planet » September '15
Carbon emissions can melt all ice on Earth English

SealeveCommitment » September '15
Your business & climate change' English

SealeveCommitment » July '15
Paleodata confirms sea-level commitment English

interactive map » July '15
Interactive map: 2C sea-level commitment English

SealeveCommitment » July '15
Paleodata confirms sea-level commitment English

SealeveCommitment » July '15
Paleodata confirms sea-level commitment English

Monsoon illustration » June '15
Interactive: abrupt monsoon transitions English

Climate Engineering » March '15
Climate engineering commentary English

Press release » March '15
More snow on Antarctica English

Deutschland Radio Kultur » February '15
German sustainability prize German

US Government Accountability Office » February '15
US Government Accountability Office English

Climate Engineering » May '15
Why climate engineering won't work English

Climate Engineering » March '15
Climate engineering commentary English

Deutschland Radio Kultur » December '14
Live radio: climate after Lima English

FluterBrief » December '14
Print: German government's info-service English

Deutschland Radio Kultur » December '14
Live radio interview: climate after Lima German

FluterBrief » December '14
German government's info-service German

Carbon Brief » December '14
What if we overshoot 2 degrees? English

Sueddeutsche » November '14
German Parliament: supply failure German

Sueddeutsche » November '14
Coverage of climate conference German

Publik-Forum » November '14
Interview on climate and society German

Sueddeutsche » November '14
Parliament request: economic supply failure English

Publik-Forum » November '14
Print: climate change and future society English

Synode Nordkirche » September '14
Synod of protestant church on change German

Synode Nordkirche » September '14
Synod of protestant church on climate English

Antarctic sea-level » August '14
Antarctica's sea-level contribution English

World Economic Forum 2014 » July '14
Antarctica's point of no return English

World Economic Forum 2014 » July '14
Article: Antarctica's point of no return English

ETM » June '14
UNFCCC videocast: Antarctica & sea level English

ETM » June '14
UNFCCC videocast: Antarctica & sea level English

Chrismon » June '14
Christian magazine: Interview on climate German

ETM » May '14
Can supply chains take climate extremes? English

Resilience » May '14
Article with USArmy Corps of Engineers English

Ice plug » May '14
Antarctic ice plug prevents sea level English

Audio Interview » May '14
'How the world works': zeean.net @ #rp14 English

Audio Interview » March '14
Interview on global warming & sea level English

Audio Interview » March '14
Detailed interview on global adaptation English

PR » March '14
World heritage threatened by sea-level rise English

Audio Interview » March '14
Russian Radio: global warming & sea level English

Audio Interview » March '14
Detailed interview on global adaptation English

PR » February '14
Make supply chains climate-smart English

PR » February '14
Make supply chains climate-smart English

PNAS article » February '14
Article on future coastal protection English

The Guardian » January '14
Article on limits of adaptation English

The Guardian » January '14
Article on limits of adaptation English

Science Magazine » December '13
Letter to Editor: Sea-Level Rise by 2100 English

Science Magazine » December '13
Sea-Level Rise by 2100 English

New York Times » November '13
How to Die in the Anthropocene English

The Guardian » November '13
Major cities face sea-level rise English

COP19 » November '13
Radio: COP-19 & German role English

COP19 » November '13
Climate conference in Warsaw German

COP19 » November '13
Interview: COP-19 & German role German

Portrait » October '13
Portrait in hometown newspaper German

IPCC Inside » October '13
Has global warming stopped? English

Portrait » October '13
Portrait in hometown newspaper English

IPCC Inside » October '13
Background on IPCC sea-level chapter English

IPCC Inside » October '13
Background story on IPCC chapter English

SeaLevelRisk » September '13
IPCC: no sea-level risk assessment English

SPON » September '13
Sea-level rise & costal protection German

BILD » September '13
Interview on IPCC German

SeaLevelRisk » September '13
IPCC provided no sea-level risk assessment English

BILD » September '13
Interview on IPCC English

AFP » September '13
Adaptation to sea-level rise English

New York Times » August '13
Timing a Rise in Sea Level English

Obama » August '13
US-president Obama twittered our study English

realclimate » August '13
The inevitability of sea-level rise English

The conversation » August '13
Brief note on sea-level rise English

The conversation » August '13
Brief note on sea-level rise English

NYT DotEarth » August '13
Cities Adjust to Retreating Coastline? English

USA Today » July '13
US coastal cities under sea level English

Minister » July '13
Favored as 'environment minister' German

IBT » July '13
International Business Times English

Toronto Star » July '13
Sea levels & 316 US cities English

interactive map » July '13
Interactive map on sea level English

ABC News » July '13
US coastal cities under sea level English

The Guardian » July '13
The Guardian on US coastal cities English

PNAS commentary » July '13
Commentary on sea-level commitment English

Bloomberg » July '13
Sea-level commitment English

Die Welt » July '13
Sea-level commitment German

Economic Times » July '13
Our sea-level commitment English

SealeveCommitment » July '13
End Is certain for NYC, Boston,.. English

VOA » July '13
Sea level commitment English

CostOfClimateChange » July '13
Costs of climate change German

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Leaving our descendants sea level English

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Climate Disruption & Sea Level

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Sea-level commitment

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Sea-level commitment

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Sea-level rise of warming

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Press release: sea-level commitment

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Sea-level rise of warming

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Sea-level rise of warming

SealeveCommitment » July '13
Sea-level rise of warming

Monsoon » June '13
Monsoon variability

Monsoon » June '13
Indian monsoon variability

Monsoon » June '13
Indian monsoon variability

Monsoon » June '13
Indian flooding

Monsoon » June '13
More day-to-day monsoon variability in India

Global Ideas » June '13
dpa-interview: drones for Antarctica

German Parliament » May '13
German parliament: MP briefings

Zeean » May '13
zeean.net: our global supply net

Economist » April '13
dpa-Interview on movie

Economist » April '13
UK embassy: welcome address

Economist » April '13
Last decade of warming

German Parliament » March '13
Limits of adaptation

German Parliament » March '13
German Parliament: MP briefings

BR » February '13
Climatic tipping cascade

FAZ » January '13
Interview: sea-level rise

FAZ » January '13
Interview: sea-level rise English

Cicero » December '12
Live: climate conference in Qatar English

PR » December '12
Ice loss from Antarctica

Cicero » December '12
Live: climate conference

Scientific American » November '12
Monsoon failure

Economic Times » November '12
Monsoon failure

Cicero » October '12
Article on limits of adaptation English

Cicero » October '12
Limits of adaptation

Global Ideas » September '12
National press conference

Global Ideas » July '12
Greenland melting

German Parliament » May '12
German Parliament hearing

Global Ideas » May '12
Limit to global warming

Eigencalving » March '12
Iceberg calving law

Akademie der Kuenste » December '11
Speech at the German Academy of Arts English

Akademie der Kuenste » December '11
Speech at German "Academy of Arts"

Extremes » November '11
Climate extremes & economy

Residenztheater » October '11
Discourse with Alexander Kluge

Tipping Elements » July '11
Climate problem and solution

BurningRivers » June '11
Review on Tipping Elements

FAZ » April '11
Article: when is a risk small? English

FAZ » April '11
When is a risk small?

Tsunamies » April '11
Iceberg-induced tsunamis

Financial Times Deutschland » January '11
What can we adapt to?

Stern.de » January '11
Interview: climatic extremes

FAZ » December '10
Limits to adaptation?

FAZ » February '10
Article: basics of a climate solution English

FAZ » February '10
Basics of a climate solution

FAZ » June '09
Oxford talk on monsoon failure

FAZ » May '09
Print: emissions acidify the ocean English

FAZ » May '09
Emissions acidify the ocean

FAZ » June '07
Print: abstinence is no solution English

FAZ » June '07
Abstinence is no solution

FAZ » March '07
Climatic tipping elements

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Last update: July 2024 Impressum