Dr. Leonie Wenz - Publications


* indicates corresponding author role, + denotes that authors contributed equally

R. Carr+, M. Kotz+, P.P. Pichler, H. Weisz, L. Wenz+
Climate change to exacerbate the burden of water collection on women's welfare globally
Nature Climate Change (accepted).
J. H. Lochner, A. Stechemesser, L. Wenz*
Climate summits and protests have strong effect on climate change media coverage in Germany
Nature’s Communications Earth & Environment (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01434-3
>> Code
>> Blog post
M. Kotz, A. Levermann, L. Wenz*
The economic commitment of climate change
Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07219-0
>> Data & Code
>> Committed damages: subnational values (as shown in Fig. 2)|national values (population-weighted average)
>> Highlighted in Nature Climate Change
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Guardian | Bloomberg | Forbes | Washington Post | World Economic Forum | Zeit Online | Tagesschau | Spiegel Online
W. Guo, L. Wenz, M. Auffhammer
The visual effect of wind turbines on property values is small and diminishing in space and time
PNAS (2024). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2309372121
>> Blog post
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Forbes | CNN | HNA | Handelsblatt
M. Kotz, S. Lange, L. Wenz, A. Levermann
Constraining the pattern and magnitude of projected extreme precipitation change in a multi-model ensemble
Journal of Climate (2023). https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0492.1
>> Press release
A. Stechemesser & L. Wenz
Inequality in behavioural heat adaptation: an empirical study with mobility data from the transport system in New York City, NY, USA
The Lancet Planetary Health (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00195-X
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Deutschlankfunk | Aerzteblatt | Tagesspiegel
A. Stechemesser, M. Kotz, M. Auffhammer, L. Wenz*
Prolonged exposure weakens risk perception and behavioral response: Empirical evidence from Covid-19
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2023.100906
L. Wenz*, R.D. Carr+, N. Koegel+, M. Kotz+, M. Kalkuhl
DOSE - Global data set of reported subnational economic output
Nature Scientific Data (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02323-8
>> DOSE data set
>> Code
>> Press release
T. Beaufils, H. Ward, M. Jakob, L. Wenz*
Assessing different European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism implementations and their impact on trade partners.
Nature Communications Earth & Environment (2023). DOI 10.1038/s43247-023-00788-4
>> Data & Code
>> Press release
T. Beaufils, E. Berthet, H. Ward, L. Wenz
Beyond production and consumption: Using throughflows to untangle the virtual trade of externalities.
Economic Systems Research (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/09535314.2023.2174003
>> Data & Code
K. Barton-Henry & L. Wenz*
Nighttime light data reveal lack of full recovery after hurricanes in Southern US
Environmental Research Letters (2022). https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac998d
>> Code
A. Stechemesser, A. Levermann, L. Wenz*
Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from four billion tweets
The Lancet Planetary Health (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00173-5
>> The Lancet Planetary Health cover
>> Press release
M. Kotz, A. Levermann, L. Wenz*
The effect of rainfall changes on economic production
Nature (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04283-8
>> Nature cover
>> Nature News & Views
>> Data & code
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: | ABC News | Politico | NPR | Australian Financial Review | The Indian Express | Sueddeutsche Zeitung (German) | Spiegel Online (German) | Tagesspiegel (German) | MDR (German) | Tagesanzeiger (German) | N-TV (German)
T. Beaufils* & L. Wenz*
A scenario-based method for projecting multi-regional input-output tables
Economic Systems Research (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/09535314.2021.1952404
>>Awarded Sir Richard Stone Prize
>>Open source code of SPIN method
A. Stechemesser, L. Wenz*, M. Kotz, A. Levermann
Strong increase of racist tweets outside of climate comfort zone in Europe
Environmental Research Letters (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac28b3
M. Kotz, L. Wenz, A. Levermann
Footprint of greenhouse forcing in daily temperature variability
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2103294118
K. Kuhla, S.N. Willner, C. Otto, L. Wenz, A. Levermann
Future heat stress to reduce people's purchasing power
PLoS ONE 16 (2021).
K. Barton-Henry, L. Wenz*, A. Levermann
Decay radius of climate decision for solar panels in the city of Fresno, USA
Nature Scientific Reports (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87714-w
>> Data & Code
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Deutschlandfunk (German) | WDR5 (German) | MDR (German) | TAZ (German) | Sueddeutsche Zeitung (German)
M. Kotz, L. Wenz*, A. Stechemesser, M. Kalkuhl, A. Levermann
Day-to-day temperature variability reduces economic growth
Nature Climate Change (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-020-00985-5
>> Data & Code
>> Press release
>> Blog post
>> Highlighted in Nature
L. Wenz*, A. Levermann, S.N. Willner, C. Otto, K. Kuhla
Brexit no-trade-deal scenario: short-term consumer benefit at the expense of long-term economic development
PLoS ONE 15 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0237500
M. Kalkuhl & L. Wenz
The impact of climate conditions on economic production. Evidence from a global panel of regions
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 102360 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2020.102360
>> Data & Code
>> Informed 2023 Economic Report of the US President
>> Informed US White House Council of Economic Advisors White Paper
>> Informed NGFS Climate Scenarios for central banks and supervisors
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Wirtschaft vor acht (video) | Frankfurter Rundschau | Business Insider (German) | Heise Online (German)
L. Wenz*, U. Weddige, M. Jakob, J.C. Steckel
Road to glory or highway to hell? Global road access and climate change mitigation
Environmental Research Letters 15 (2020). https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab858d
>> Press release
F. Ueckerdt, K. Frieler, S. Lange, L. Wenz, G. Luderer, A. Levermann
The economically optimal warming limit of the planet
Earth System Dynamics 10 (2019). https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-10-741-2019
H. Ward, L. Wenz, J.C. Steckel, J.C. Minx
Truncation error estimates in process lifecycle assessment using input-output analysis
Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (2018). DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12655.
C. Otto, S. N. Willner, L. Wenz , K. Frieler, A. Levermann
Modeling loss-propagation in the global supply network: The dynamic agent-based model acclimate
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 83 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.jedc.2017.08.001.
>> Open source code of acclimate model
L. Wenz*, A. Levermann, M. Auffhammer
North-South polarization of European electricity consumption under future warming
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (2017). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1704339114.
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Carbon Brief | The Guardian | Spiegel Online (German) | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German) | El País (Spanish) | NRC Handesblad (Dutch)
L. Wenz & A. Levermann
Enhanced economic connectivity to foster heat stress-related losses
Science Advances 2 (2016). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1501026.
>> Motivated parliamentary enquiry on the resilience of the German economy
>> Response by German government
>> Informed stakeholder dialogue on the indirect effects of global climate change on the German economy organized by the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA)
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Washington Post | Bloomberg | The Times of India | Spiegel Online (German)
>> Radio interview discussing the study in Deutschlandfunk (German)
C. Bren d'Amour, L. Wenz, M. Kalkuhl, J.C. Steckel, F. Creutzig
Teleconnected food supply shocks
Environmental Research Letters 11 (2016). DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/11/3/035007.
>> Press release
>> Selected media coverage: Phys.org | Energie Zukunft (German)
L. Wenz*, S.N. Willner, A. Radebach, R. Bierkandt, J.C. Steckel, A. Levermann
Regional and sectoral disaggregation of multi-regional input-output tables - a flexible algorithm
Economic Systems Research 27 (2015), DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2014.987731.
>> C++ implementation by S. Willner
L. Wenz, S.N. Willner, R. Bierkandt, A. Levermann
Acclimate - a model for economic damage propagation. Part II: A dynamic formulation of the backward effects of disaster-induced productions failures in the global supply network
Environment Systems and Decisions 34 (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s10669-014-9521-6.
R. Bierkandt, L. Wenz, S.N. Willner, A. Levermann
Acclimate - a model for economic damage propagation. Part I: Basic formulation of damage transfer within a global supply network and damage conserving dynamics
Environment Systems and Decisions 34 (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s10669-014-9523-4.
Book chapters
L. Wenz & F. Kuik
Economic impacts
In: 3 Degrees More The Impending Hot Season and How Nature Can Help Us Prevent It [Editor K. Wiegandt] (2024).
L. Wenz & F. Kuik
Ökonomische Risiken – Über die Folgen der Klimakrise für die Wirtschaft
In: Drei Grad mehr – Ein Blick in die drohende Heißzeit und wie die Natur helfen kann, sie zu verhindern [Hrsg. K. Wiegandt] (2022).
>> TopTen SPIEGEL bestseller list paperback non-fiction
L. Wenz & S.N. Willner
Climate impacts and global supply chains: an overview
In: Handbook on Trade Policy and Climate Change [edited by M. Jakob] (2022).
M.Tavoni, P. Andreoni, M. Calcaterra, E. Calliari, T. Deubelli-Hwang, R. Mechler, S. Hochrainer-Stigler, L. Wenz
Economic quantification of Loss and Damage funding needs
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-024-00565-7
>> Press release
F. Funke, L. Mattauch, T. Merl, H. Mitter, V. Priesemann, L. Wenz, A. Wiese
Die Zukunft der Ernährung in Europa: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Debattenbeitrag Die Junge Akademie (2023)
A. Stechemesser, L. Wenz*, A. Levermann
Corona crisis fuels racially profiled hate in social media networks
The Lancet - EClinicalMedicine (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100372
Popular writing
L. Wenz
Von wegen “Klimaschutz ist teuer”. Nichtstun kostet viel mehr.
Focus Online, Gastbeitrag (2023).
L. Wenz
Globalization has made our economies more vulnerable to climate change
World Economic Forum (2016)
L. Wenz
Climate change impacts in an increasingly connected world
University of Potsdam (2016)

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