Data Lineage
Meridional Wind Data
Data was downloaded fromIRI - The International Research Institute for Climate and Society
IRI/LDEA Climate Data Library
DAILY from NOAA NCEP-NCAR CDAS-1: Climate Data Assimilation System I; NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis Project; outline
Intrinsic / PressureLevel / v : meridional wind data
Downloaded on Sep 3 2013 09:2925N to 90N 180W to 180E 300 to 300 [mb] Jul-Aug 1980-2013
Meridional Wind Data
as above, butIntrinsic / PressureLevel / u: zonal wind data
Figure 1
Amplitude of wave 6 (black), 7 (red), 8 (blue) of meridional avgof 15-day running mean of meridional wind 37.5N-57.5N
solid horizontal lines: mean over 2012-2013
dashed horizontal lines: mean + 1.5*stddev over 2012-2013
Ferret text replaced with postscript text:
This GIF output does not look that nice, but the .pdf vector graphic should be usable for printing.
as PDF
The same for 2014
solid horizontal lines: mean over 2012-2013dashed horizontal lines: mean + 1.5*stddev over 2012-2013

and as PDF
Synopsis of windfield and stationary wave number sqaured for selected times
For the running-mean aggregations, the date information shown is the date of the middle contributing time step in the original data.Figure 2

and as PDF
Figure 3

and as PDF
Supplementary Movies
First movie: amplitudes over months, may-sep 1980-2013, waves 4-8dashed lines show mean + 1.5*std.deviation.
Effective forcing, for different values of kappa
New layout: F_eff_temp, F_eff_oro, F_eff, its meridional average (weighted by cos phi), and 1-D FFT, 15 day running mean, May-Sep 1980-2013, kappa=0.2.
(unknown length) | as WEBM |
New layout: F_eff_temp, F_eff_oro, F_eff, its meridional average (weighted by cos phi), and 1-D FFT, 15 day running mean, May-Sep 1980-2013, kappa=0.4.
(unknown length) | as WEBM |
Page changed
Tue Jun 7 14:03:02 CEST 2016: Re-ordered figures according to to final published paper. Removed figures that did not make it into the published paper.
Sat Feb 6 17:31:14 CET 2021 : improved page header
Wed Feb 1 10:16:45 CET 2023 : make webm the default movie format