PIK  Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research                      
Physics Institute of Potsdam University  
University of Potsdam

Scientific talks

J. Feldmann & Anders Levermann: "Time scales of Antarctica's instabilities"
PIK RD1 Science Discussions
9 June 2021

J. Feldmann & Anders Levermann: "A scaling law for similar ice sheet flow"
vEGU 2021
27 April 2021

J. Feldmann & Anders Levermann: "A scaling law for similar ice sheet flow"
Virtual FRISP 2020 meeting
25 June 2020

J. Feldmann, T. Albrecht, R. Winkelmann: "Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to a changing thermocline"
DFG coordination workshop 2019 for priority programme "Antarctic Research with Comparative Investigations in Arctic Ice Areas"
Bremen, Germany, 27 September 2019

J. Feldmann: "Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: From the concept of similitude to dynamic modeling"
Defense of Doctoral Thesis
Potsdam, Germany, 14 July 2016

J. Feldmann & A. Levermann: "Meeresspiegelbeitrag der Antarktis: Einfluss globaler Erwärmung auf den dynamischen Beitrag des Filchner-Ronne-Eisschelfs zum globalen Meeresspiegel"
DBU Stipendiatenseminar
Zell (Mosel), Germany, 22 April 2015

J. Feldmann & A. Levermann: "Interaction of marine ice-sheet instabilities in two drainage basins"
EGU - General Assembly 2015
Vienna, Austria, 15 April 2015

J. Feldmann Participant of the workshop "Rising Coastal Seas On A Warming Earth"
Kick-off meeting for the MISOMIP intercomparison project
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27-29 October 2014

M. Mengel, J. Feldmann and A. Levermann: "Investigation of the role of bed topography in the marine ice-sheet instability"
DFG SPP 1158 Antarktisforschung, Koordinationsworkshop
Dresden, Germany, 26 September 2014

J. Feldmann & A. Levermann: "Drainage basin interaction: A conceptual approach in 2D"
28th FRISP workshop
Cologne, Germany, 25 June 2014

J. Feldmann: "Analyzing the stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet using regional model setups and conceptual experiments"
PIK RD1 Young Scientist Seminar
Potsdam, Germany, 13 May 2014

J. Feldmann, T. Albrecht, C. Khroulev, F. Pattyn and A. Levermann: "Resolution-dependent performance of grounding line motion in a shallow model compared to a full-Stokes model according to the MISMIP3d intercomparison"
EGU - General Assembly 2014
Vienna, Austria, 1 May 2014

J. Feldmann & A. Levermann: "Zukünftiger meeresspiegelrelevanter Eisfluss durch das Filchner-Ronne Eisschelf"
DBU Stipendiatenseminar
Benediktbeuern, Germany, 14 March 2014

J. Feldmann & A. Levermann: "Eisschildmodellierung und die zentrale Rolle der Aufschwimmlinie"
DBU Stipendiatenseminar
Ostritz, Germany, 13 August 2013

J. Feldmann: "Modeling Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers with PISM"
UAF Glacier Seminar
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 21 November 2012

J. Feldmann & A. Levermann: "Modeling Pine Island Glacier with the Potsdam Parallel Ice Sheet Model"
PIK RD1 Young Scientist Seminar
Potsdam, Germany, 1 March 2012

Talks to the public

J. Feldmann: "Herausforderung Klimawandel - Aktueller Stand der Wissenschaft"
Nachhaltigkeitsseminar Bayer AG
Berlin, Germany, 30 May 2017

J. Feldmann: "Climate Change - What we know, what we can expect and what can be done about it"
Teachers and lecturers from Russia
Potsdam, Germany, 3 December 2015

J. Feldmann: "Climate Change - What we know, what we can expect and what can be done about it"
Student group from Arzamas, Russia
Potsdam, Germany, 13 August 2015

J. Feldmann: "Klimafolgenforschung am PIK"
WWF 2°Campus 2014
Potsdam, Germany, 27 May 2014

J. Feldmann: "Der Klimawandel und das Antarktische Eis"
Umwelt baut Brücken
Potsdam, Germany, 2 April 2014

J. Feldmann: "Klimafolgenforschung am PIK"
WWF 2°Campus 2013
Potsdam, Germany, 26 March 2013

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